Monday, July 7, 2008

Venza Site Ready for Visitors

As you might expect, we keep close track of the search terms and key words that people use to get onto the Open Road. You may be interested to learn that the Number 1 search word is "Venza."

You remember Venza, right? It’s a stylish car that was designed to capture the best characteristics of both the roomy SUV and the efficient sedan.
We unveiled the Venza in January at the Detroit Auto Show, and we posted it here on Open Road on January 15. You can go to our Jan. 15 post by clicking
Now the real deal is coming in a few months, and since there’s been so much interest, we wanted to provide a way for you to see the vehicle, and to learn more about it.
It’s the Venza minisite at, which you can access by clicking here.
What you’ll find when you get there include, naturally, photos of the car. But there’s also an interview with its designer, a list of specifications and features, and a couple of interesting videos that detail the design process and tell us some interesting stuff about the car’s optional V6 engine. There’s also a place for you to sign up for updates on the vehicle, which is set to make its sales debut later this year.
So go ahead, take a look. Then tell us what you think.

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